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Simple, everyday money saving tips – part 1

One of the first steps to saving money comes from cutting expenses. Here we outline some simple, everyday money saving tips that everyone can try for food, household essentials, clothing and entertainment.


One of the first steps to saving money comes from cutting expenses. This can give you the breathing room you need to get rid of debt and start saving.

Another crucial step is to ensure that you spend your money on things that bring you lasting value, and ensure that you give it some thought before making a purchase. Thinking about what you are buying and whether it will bring lasting value can eliminate many ad-hoc purchases that can waste money.

There are many areas of your daily life where you can make savings, such as food, bills, transport, entertainment and more. Here we outline some simple, everyday money saving tips that everyone can try for food, household essentials, clothing and entertainment. Next month we will discuss tips in relation to transport, bills and non-essentials.



Food, beverages and household essentials

Grocery shop on a full stomach

You can buy more and often unnecessary items if you do your grocery shopping while hungry. So it’s often a healthier and cheaper option to eat before you hit the grocery shops!

Swap meat for veg  

Generally speaking, meat is more expensive than vegetables (especially in-season vegetables). So try substituting a meat meal or two a week with vegetables and/or legumes. Even if you do not want to substitute your meat, you can make your meat meals go further by adding extra vegetables and/or legumes.

Buy frozen veggies

The frozen variety of vegetables, can often be cheaper than the fresh comparison. If stored properly, frozen veggies can also have a longer shelf life and reduce waste –. According to some studies, frozen vegetables can be just as nutritious as fresh vegetables.

Make your own coffee

If your morning ritual includes a takeaway coffee each day, this could be costing you over $1,000 a year. So making your own coffee from an at home coffee machine each day could definitely save you money, even if you need to invest in a coffee machine first.

Buy in bulk 

Buying kitchen staples and non-perishable food in bulk can definitely save a lot of money over the long term – assuming you use them regularly and can store them. Buying in bulk is usually cheaper and often bulk items are discounted or on sale more often. These can include things like flours and sugars from a bulk food provider or toilet paper and dishwasher bulk packs on sale at the supermarket. Every little bit will help towards saving more.

Tip: pay attention to price per unit, not just the total price.

Buy home brands

Try the generic or home brands instead of the more expensive name brands. Often these work just as well and/or are made by the same supplier(s), just packaged differently. This can save you a lot on a grocery bill if you are a name brand buyer.

Grow your own

A very rewarding option to help cut your grocery bills is by growing your own fruits, vegetables and herbs. Packets of seeds are inexpensive and can lead to a healthy supply in several months. Just allow for any garden set-up costs, if you don’t have the garden already.

Reuse as much as possible

From gift wrapping to food containers and plastic bags, many items we have around the home can be reused to save on buying new. This will not only help you save money, but could help out the environment too.

Drink more water

Drinking water and less soda and juice, will save you money. Water is inexpensive, whereas juice and soda cost more. Not to mention, juice and soda can have long-term health consequences.

Make your own cleaning products 

Cleaning products can be very expensive, however they are often easily made yourself using inexpensive products. Often you only need water, vinegar, salt, baking soda and essential oils and you can create many home cleaning products. Simply check online for cleaning product recipes such as detergents, disinfectants or stain removers. Ensure you do your research and be aware of which products SHOULDN’T be mixed together such as vinegar and bleach/hydrogen peroxide and which products should and shouldn’t be used on what surfaces such as never using vinegar on a marble surface.

Laundry powder

You only need to use half the recommended dose of washing powder to get a great wash. Don’t waste your money on fabric softener as it actually makes your towels less absorbent.

Use pump bottles

Most shampoo, conditioner and liquid soap bottles dispense far too much at a time, meaning most of it is wasted and needs to be purchased more regularly. Therefore, getting a pump bottle for each of these things in the shower and sinks will reduce your use and lower your costs.

Consider generic medications

If you take a name-brand medication, talk to your doctor and/or pharmacist to see if there is a generic version of that medication that can meet your needs. Generic medications can save you money on your prescription costs, especially over time.



Preloved clothing

Consider buying clothes from thrift or preloved stores. There are plenty of physical stores as well as online stores for preloved clothing. You never know what bargain you will find, and this will also help the environment.

Repair clothing

Instead of disposing of clothing that needs repairing, get out the needle and thread and fix a missing button or fraying hem. For bigger repairs even paying a clothes repairer can save you money overall. Making repairs will give your garment a lot more life and save the money of replacing it.

Shop online

Shopping online for items such as clothing can help you find the best prices and save you a lot of money over time. It’s worth the shopping around.



Invite family and friends over 

Often social events are out and about, which usually results in spending money on food, drinks or entertainment. Instead why not invite people over to your place, for coffee and cake, a movie night, a bring-a-plate dinner party, a games night, the ideas are endless and a lot cheaper than the going out alternative.

Skip fast food

When out and about and hungry, the option to buy fast food can be very tempting. However, it’s a much better idea to pack snacks or keep filling snacks in your car, rather than spend a lot more money on a quick fix full of calories that will leave you hungry again in a few more hours anyway!

This also applies to work lunches, pack your lunch from home to save you a lot of money each week and each year, instead of buying lunches.

Plan ahead when out for the day, by pre-purchasing or pre-making your snacks and meals. A pre-made pic-nic on a day trip is a lot cheaper than lunch bought at a convenience store or local café/restaurant. Keeping yourself out of convenience stores and fast food places will save a lot of money.

Attend free events

Entertainment can be very expensive. Check out your city and community websites and newspapers for free events in your area. This may include free concerts, festivals, celebrations, outdoor movies, community courses and so much more. Taking advantage of these free activities is fun and money saving.





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