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Meet our Team: Margaret

Margaret knows first-hand how deeply the spirit of generosity is embedded in our not-for-profit organisational culture. Needing to change careers due to illness, she applied for an administration job with us which she never expected to get. Eight years on, she says she loves her job. We sat with her to learn why.

What’s a typical working day at COTA like for you?


My role is Administration Consultant and I work with COTA’s membership team and the insurance team as well. We are family – not just work colleagues – and I learn something new every day. I love my job and the people I meet along the way.

What drew you to working at COTA Insurance?


I started my working life as a hairdresser but after 30 years, an illness left me unable to stand for long periods of time. I saw a job advertised with COTA Insurance I had no computer skills but still applied, never truly expecting them to hire me. But they did hire me. They trained me, nurtured me and eight years later, I’m still here with a newfound confidence. I know from personal experience that this team will go the extra mile for anyone, whether it’s a member of our team or a customer.

What do you think makes COTA Insurance different to other insurers?


We care about how things affect you and we strive to keep everything simple and easy.

Can you describe a time when you felt really proud to work at COTA Insurance?


I am always proud to work at COTA Insurance. I hear every day the time and effort our team takes with every client. They speak to each person as if they are a dear friend. They never rush them and will never end a call with a client until they are confident the person has asked all their questions and understands everything they need to know.

Can you describe a time when the team helped a customer in a special way?


One of our team members applied a discount to a policy because of compassionate reasons. The client emailed to thank us, saying the money he saved made the difference in his family having presents to share and food on the table for Christmas. When his email was read out to our team, there was not a dry eye in the room! It made us so proud to think such a small gesture had made such a great difference to the receiver.


What do you like to do when you’re not working?


I love to entertain and be around people. I recently combined my love of art with food, making a morning tea in honour of a board member incorporating a COTA design in the cheese platter. I also love the Crows in the AFL. We had a had a great time team building one footy final – our competitive natures really kicked in….  we dressed in our team colours and decorated our desks.


Margaret is one of many people that make COTA Insurance different to for-profit insurers. Call us on 1300 1300 50 and experience the difference today.

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